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Employee Safety Committee
March 10, 2010
Conference Room – Municipal Building

In attendance: Carole Ross, Chairman, Linda Omasta, Bill Halstead, Carol Kochiss, Linda Bradley-Gillette, Joe Tani, Arlene Miles, Donna Saputo  

Mrs. Ross opened the meeting at 10:00am.

A review of this quarter’s injury reports took place.  This quarter 9 accidents were reported.  A discussion took place regarding the various reports and if there was additional training or defensive action which could have prevented the injury.  The committee decided that a suggestion would be made to the Highway and Parks & Recreation Departments to provide Yaktracs or some other form of slip-on footwear during the winter months.  The fire departments provide these in each fire truck and the volunteers are encouraged to use them.  No other preventive measures were suggested as the injuries were the result of hazardous working conditions, such as structure fires or simple accidents.

The committee discussed the upcoming summer season and the possibilities of sun exposure, poison ivy and tic bites.  Carole Ross will send out a memorandum to the town employees reminding them of proper clothing, inspection for tics and hydration awareness.  

The committee discussed the amount of training which is done by the various departments and it was decided to include that in the safety committee minutes.  The fire departments, parks & recreation, police and highway are very proactive in their training sessions in addition to OSHA requirements.  Each month some form of training is being conducted by the departments.  Each member of the Safety Committee will obtain the training records, as they pertain to workers compensation, for the building they are located in and send them to Mrs. Ross to include in the minutes. Bill Halstead let the committee know that on April 3rd, the fire departments will be conducting an emergency vehicle driving course offered through the State of Connecticut.

Carole Ross reported that in December Dr. Richard Coopersmith and his son, Aaron presented a very informative seminar discussing proper lifting techniques, how injuries occur, preventing injuries and a basic description of how the body protects and adapts to working situations.  The seminar was very well attended and well received by the employees.

Building inspections were discussed.  The Fire Marshal must conduct an inspection of town buildings each year.  In the past, members of the Safety Committee were involved with those inspections.  It was decided to hold Safety Committee meetings at a different location and have an inspection at that time.  

The next meeting will be held on June 9th at the Public Works Department.  
Meeting adjourned at 10:45 am

Carole Ross